with a pelvic surgeon. My husbands naturopath recommended this surgeon and I
am so happy she did, because I am in LOVE. He was so cheerful and helpful and just
really spent the time with me that I needed to feel better about my upcoming
Why am I so in love?? well, the appointment started off with a letter from him
asking if it was ok if he uses "alternative" medicine such as meditation and healthy
eating to deal with chronic pelvic pain. SO not only is he ok with complementing
medical treatments with alternative medicine, he recommends it!!
He also asked me how I was doing, and what treatments I have done so far. He
respected the work Hubby and I have done on our own and he BELIEVED me when
I told him how long my cycles are and when I ovulate. I told him how short my luteal
phase is, he said "oh dear, that simply will not do, we need to change that". My other
clinic told me point blank that this does not matter but Dr. Love ordered more
blood tests immediately to find out why else this could be happening.
Dr. Love also did my pelvic exam/ultrasound himself and talked with me about the
results. He figures, given my history of pelvic pain and the results of the ultrasound,
that I have over a 50% chance of having endo. His best guess is that I have stage 1
or 2 endo, and that it could be controlled with a proper diet & meditation. He still
recommended I have the surgery to alleviate my monthly pain but does not think
that it will really help me get pregnant given our MFI.
He basically said, "have the surgery if you would like to get rid of your pain, but if
you can deal with the pain every month the surgery is not necessary to move forward
with fertility treatments". I spent nearly 2 hours with him talking about my options,
he really listened and I really trusted his opinion. I was so happy with him that I
decided to book another appointment with him for both my hubby and I. Later this
week I will be mailing him the results of all our testing thus far. He has also ordered
blood work, a semen analysis, and an ultrasound for my Hubby before our next
meeting. Finally after nearly two years someone has recommended an ultrasound!
So there it is, my surgery is still planned for Friday. A very wonderful friend of mine
took the day off so that she can drive me home from the surgery and watch girly
movies with me. My hubby will be waiting for me the whole time as well. I am
actually getting kind of excited about possibly being pain free each month!!! If any
of you out there has any advice for the days before & after the surgery I would
love to hear it!
P.S. There was a picture of a little baby named Jonathan in Dr. Love's waiting room
that made me tear up. That is what I have always wanted to name my baby boy and I
took it as a sign that I'm on the right track.....I know baby Jonathan was asian and
I'm caucasian, but still I'll take a sign whenever I can get it :)