thing I thought was "NOPE". I'm really not sure how my brain came to that conclusion so quickly after reading those words, but it did. I really thought I was more of an optimistic
about all this, but subconsciously I must be feeling a bit hopeless. Perhaps it was because
I was just about to teach a class, I always feel a little down on myself JUST before I teach
a yoga class to 15 mothers, their 15 cute little babies, and their 150 adorable little toes!
Moving on......I would just like to say how grateful I am for all your comments on my
last posting. I felt much better after reading them and am looking forward to my mother
learning more about the path were on. She really should not have been surprised by my
announcement, she knows that ALL I want to do is have billions of babies. Did she really
think I was just sitting here twiddling my thumbs for 2 years?
The good news is that my mother will be arriving here in Toronto on Monday, so perhaps
we will talk a little bit more about the situation so that she can be more understanding.
My father, my sister, my 3 year old nephew and my old neighbor (like a sister to me)
will also be coming for a 3 day visit. We will be heading to the Zoo, Canada's Wonderland, Center Island, and I am sure 1 billion other Toronto Tourist attractions before they leave.
It's always exhausting when they visit, but I am always happy as a pig in...............well you
know the rest.
While most of the family will be heading back home on Friday my sister will be staying
behind for a conference, leaving her son in my care during the day. I have a whole week of activities planned with him, most of which involve my girlfriends that have 3 year old
of their own. I very rerely get to see them because they have graduation to family land, but
it will be nice for us all to be together again. And YES I DO understand how very pathetic
it is that I have to borrow my little sisters son to fit in with other woman my age.
On a side note, my hubby and I went to NY city over the weekend with 2 friends of ours,
it was THE MOST FUN I have had in a VERY long time.........I LOVE NY!!!! I will post
about it as soon as I get the pictures downloaded :)