Friday, December 3, 2010

The Second Beta........... (update)

............Was GOOD!!! everything is fine, now I just need to wait 5 weeks for
the ultrasound. I think I will be white knuckling it the whole there 
anything I can do to make this easier?


Yes, I mean I am waiting 5 more weeks for the ultrasound. Thats when the 
clinic has me booked in because of the holidays. We are meeting a midwife
on monday though, so I hope she can get me in earlier, I really really don't
want to be in panic mode like this over Christmas! 


  1. so excited for you! i hope that you mean you have to wait until you are 5 weeks? not 5 weeks from now?!
    and no, nothing makes the waiting easier bc as soon as the wait for this is over you will be waiting for something else! that's pregnancy :)
    i hope you are able to enjoy every minute.

  2. Woohooo! I second the pp that I hope that really isn't a whole 5 weeks to wait! Good luck passing the time!

  3. Great news!!! I have been waiting for your update all dayy!!!!!! Try to enjoy the next five weeks as much as you can. xoxoxoxox

  4. Yay! Great news! I spent the last month white-knuckling things, so I know exactly how you feel. Maybe they'll see you earlier? My OB (since my RE wasn't involved in this) was really great about my anxiety and has given me an u/s each week.

  5. LOL! DH and I are still trying to figure out exactly how it happened too...

  6. Why are they making you wait 5 weeks? You can and should get scanned sooner than that!

    Congrats for a happy sticky bean.

  7. Wow! I really hope they can get you in earlier. That's so long to wait!

  8. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you get in earlier for an U/S as this wait is as hard as the tww, though in a different way. Super congrats on the second excellent beta! I was a wreck through the entire first 20 weeks thinking it was all just a cruel joke, so I am no good for advice on how to get through this part.

  9. For sure call around for an ultra sound appointment I only had to wait 4 days for one last week at the local hospital. Great that the beta was good!

  10. Congrats again! continue the yoga and relax during this time & stay positive, cause whatever you are doing so far is working! what a wonderful christmas present for both you and your hubby!

  11. I actually went to the ER because of suspected "spotting" just because I couldn't stand the wait :) I'm so happy for you sweets!! The whiteknuckling bit continues though, there's always that next milestone.

  12. Hurray!! I have no advice to give, but I'm still really excited for you!

  13. Congratulations my dear friend! This is the most wonderful news and the most wonderful reason to celebrate. Your body is going to do exactly what it needs to do to nurture and grow this little life. Trust in that, trust in yourself over these next few weeks. The only thing you an control is how well you take care of yourself, so focus on that, Pamper yourself silly!!!

    And do what you need to do in order to get an ultrasound as often as you need. (and yes I say need - sometimes we NEED these reassurances!)

    Happy Day Happy Month Happy Year!

  14. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you! I hope these next five weeks go by really fast.


  15. Congrats! Hope you get in sooner than 5 weeks from now. :)

  16. Tishi--I am so late to this party! I am so excited for you!!! HOOORAAAYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

  17. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Congratulations Tishi! I cannot imagine how thrilled you are! I can't wait to hear more!!! Hugs!!

  18. Oh yay!!! I'm so excited for you!!! There's no way you should have to wait 5 weeks for an ultrasound - get yourself one sooner! Whatever it takes! I'm just so excited for you. Oh, and I gave the stuffed uterus you gave me a hug when I heard your news... She's excited for you too!

  19. Keep up with the Yoga, meditate and try not to obsess over every odd twinge. Much easier said than done, I KNOW.

    Fingers crossed that the midwife can get you in sooner. (grumbles about regular medical people not understanding how especially stressful the early weeks are for infertiles)
